Myrtle Tree Fellowship
This logo was comissioned by Myrtle Tree Fellowship in Rich Hill, Missouri.
Prayer For The Cure
A logo, posters and other promotional materials designed for a interdenominational prayer service and outreach to breast cancer patients, survivors and co-survivors.
Putters & Duffers Logo
This was done for a golf website that is coming in the near future.
Jr High Curriculum Cover Art
I recently completed this piece for the Regular Baptist Press. This is the cover art for a Jr High Teachers Manual featuring several Judges: Samson, Deborah, Gideon and Ehud.
Power House Kids Ministry
Logo rework done for Power House Kids Ministry. Please allow me to take the time to share with you, once again, just how pleased we are with our Children’s Ministry logo. We are looking forward to putting this logo to use in so many ways and wanted to thank you for giving us the means […]
A character for a little girl on her birthday. The art is a combination of the child and a popular character from children’s television.
RockBand Pedal Art
Sticker art for after-market wooden drum pedals for the game, Rock Band.
Furious G
Digital drawing commissioned by Michelle for her husband, nicknamed Furious-G.
NRG Zone
NRG Zone logo, part of a family of three, done for New Life Assembly.
Kids Life Logo
This logo was done for the children’s department of Sheffield Family Life Center in Kansas City, Missouri.